RAC Shop Privacy Policy

The RAC Tyres, RAC Shop and RAC Vehicle History Check websites (?the websites?) are managed by Colewood Automotive Ltd (?Colewood?). When you visit the website, and make purchases through the website, Colewood will be the data controller of the information about you which you provide.

Colewood will also share your information with RAC. You can find out more about how RAC will use your personal data by visiting rac.co.uk/privacy-policy.

Your privacy is important to us. It is Colewood's policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect from you across our website, https://www.racshop.co.uk, and other sites we own and operate.

1. Who we are

In this Privacy Notice, ?we?, ?us? and ?our? refers to, you will know us simply as Colewood.

Full details on how you can contact can be found at the bottom of this notice.

When you purchase goods through RAC Tyres, RAC Shop and RAC Vehicle History Check your contract for the sale of goods is with Colewood. Please read the terms and conditions carefully before buying.

This privacy policy applies to:

  • RAC Tyres, RAC Shop and RAC Vehicle History Check websites and webpages linking to this policy
  • When you contact us by email, telephone, or by post
  • When you post content or contact us through Social Media
  • When you purchase products and services on this website

2. The personal information we collect

  • Personal information you provide us
  • Additional information we process when you engage with one of our products or services
  • Contact and device information
  • Third party information

Personal Information you provide to us

This personal information is typically provided directly by you when you purchase one of our products or services.

  • User details may include your title, name, home address, work address, email address and telephone contact details (including home and mobile telephone numbers)
  • Date of birth, age, or age range
  • Financial information including payment card information
  • Vehicle details make, model and vehicle registration number
  • Communication and marketing preferences information about how you choose to manage your communications from us and whether you would like to receive marketing information about similar products or services from us.
  • Log data - When you visit our website, our servers may automatically log the standard data provided by your web browser. It may include your computer?s Internet Protocol (IP) address, your browser type and version, the pages you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on each page, and other details.
  • Device data - We may also collect data about the device you?re using to access our website. This data may include the device type, operating system, unique device identifiers, device settings, and geo-location data. What we collect can depend on the individual settings of your device and software. We recommend checking the policies of your device manufacturer or software provider to learn what information they make available to us.It is important that any information you provide directly to us is accurate and correct, we recommend letting us know immediately if you need to change anything on your order or your contact details using any of the methods provided in the Contact us section.

Additional information we process

We will also collect information indirectly when you purchase one of our products and services.

  • Purchase details including your title, name, home address, email address and telephone contact details (including home and mobile telephone numbers)
  • Date of birth, age, or age range where relevant to the product
  • Name and contact details relating to any recipients of products, for example alternative delivery addresses and contact details
  • Information about products and services you have purchased across the Colewood group, whether or not you completed the purchase, how you applied for the product or service - this information will be amalgamated to form a single record? Methods of payment and payment history
  • Records of sent direct marketing and service communications including the method of contact, a record of the content and other information, for example email open and click rates

Contact and device information

Some of the information we collect will be obtained during the course of your interactions with us, for example through the devices you use or when you contact us, including:

  • Device Information including details about the device you use to access our web services, such as the IMEI number of your mobile telephone.
  • Location data when you use our website and have allowed access to location services, or the collection of the IP address of the computer you're using to view our website, the start and end of journeys collected through our traffic and travel services.
  • Web use data from the use of cookies and similar technologies. More information about the types of cookies we use and how they work can be found in our cookie policy.
  • Telephone conversations and communication by email, post and social media are recorded for training, monitoring and analysis purposes and may also be used to investigate and analyse any queries or concerns you raise with us.
  • Social media information obtained if you access our website through a third-party connection or log-in, for example, through Facebook Connect, by ?following,? or ?liking?. This information could include; the user ID associated with your account, information you have permitted the third party to share with us, and any information you have made public in connection with that service. You should always review, and if necessary, adjust your privacy settings on third-party websites and services before linking or connecting them to our services.

Third party information

The types of third parties and information we collect from them are:

  • Data licensed from other third parties this may include personal or aggregated information such as demographic data and publicly available information used to help us improve our products and services or information used to identify products and services that we believe you may be interested in, third party data may also be used to recover debts owed to us.
  • Vehicle data obtained under licence from agencies such as the DVLA and Experian.

3. How we use your personal information

Here you can find out more about how your information is used, as well as the legal basis we rely on to ensure your personal information is always processed fairly and lawfully.

How we use your information

For the performance of your contract with us

To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations

Processing necessary for our legitimate business interests

Where you give us your consent

To provide you with a product price and to make you aware of the terms and conditions of the sale of the product, processing which may involve profiling and automated decision making





Sharing information with other RAC group companies necessary for the performance of your contract





To make any changes or to cancel your product purchase





To receive payment of fees or to provide any reimbursment





To uphold your data protection rights under the GDPR





Processing or disclosing your information where law requires us to do so





For marketing our own products or services where you have not opted out and for development of our marketing strategy, this may include the use of profiling techniques to identify products and services we believe you may be interested in





To improve our products and services through the processing of market intelligence including testing, reporting, analysis and identification of improvements in products and processes





For internal business processes and operations, including quality assurance, governance, accountancy, management and audit practices





Use of cookies to monitor use of our website and for optimisation of user experience at device level





To develop risk acceptance criteria, developing our pricing models and calculating policy renewal quotations processing which may involve profiling and automated decision making





To recover debts owed to us, including where necessary obtaining contact information from third parties





Where you have given us permission to collect or share certain personal information





Where certain categories of special data are collected in the provision of services






4. Sharing your personal information

We will not sell, share, or otherwise transfer your personal data to third parties. Other than those indicated in the privacy policy.

The recipients of your personal data are limited exclusively to the people who have a need to know such information to perform their responsibilities. We may share your personal information with the following:

  • Direct Partners ? Personal data provided to us when engaging with RAC branded products will be passed on to the RAC Group. For more information on their privacy policy, please read the following: rac.co.uk/privacy-policy
  • Service Providers ? We work with a number of trusted service providers who supply services on our behalf, we may share your personal data with these service providers to process your request or provide the services, for example a customer service ticketing. These service providers are contractually obligated to keep the personal data they may have received confidential and secure and to use your personal data only based on our instructions.
  • Delivery Partners ? In order for you to receive the goods you have purchased we work with a number of delivery partners. Where necessary we will provide your delivery contact details to enable the delivery of your goods purchased.
  • Fitting Partners ? In order to facilitate any fitting service requested by you, we will share your contact and vehicle details in order to complete your order. We also use location services to identify fitting centre based on the location you provide on our website.
  • IT Partners ? We work with a Limited number of IT companies to support our website and IT infrastructure, such as hosting and email services.
  • Payment Processing ? We integrate with trusted third-party payment processing providers to facilitate the processing of your payments. We fully comply with the PCI & DSS standards in respect of processing credit/debit card payments
  • Market Research and Survey Partners - We may share limited data with third parties, such as Trustpilot, who support us on market research activities.

5. How long your information is kept

We will keep your information for as long as is necessary to provide the services or products you have requested, for our own legitimate interests and to meet our statutory obligations. Your information will always be kept in accordance with internal retention policies.

If you cancel any of your services it will be necessary for us to retain your personal information for internal reporting and record keeping and in line with any legal or regulatory requirements. This period of retention is usually 7 years. In any situation where the retention period is longer, we will inform you of this.

6. Where your information is kept

Colewood is a UK based business providing services across the UK and your personal information is managed on our administration systems and databases.

We may share your information with organisations outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) where it is absolutely necessary to enable us to provide you with our services that you have purchased from us, i.e tyre manufacturers operating outside of the EEA whereby a faulty tyre many need to be investigated. We endeavour to only instruct suppliers that can provide the same level of data security that we have here in the UK.

Where it is necessary to transfer your personal information to a country outside of the EEA and has not been approved by the European Commission, we will ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place. This will be through the use of approved EU standard contractual clauses or an approved framework.

7. Your information rights

You have a number of rights in relation to your personal information that you can choose to exercise at any time. We have provided a basic overview of those rights below

Alternatively, please contact us using the Contact us details as shown at the bottom of this notice.

You have a right to:

Access information we process about you, to obtain a copy of the information as well as receive other supplementary information.

Object to us using particular information or using it in a particular way. You can let us know that you object to it and we will consider whether we can grant your request. Your right to object to receiving direct marketing material is as set out in the Marketing section of this privacy policy.

Rectify inaccurate information, you can do this simply by getting in touch using the Contact us details as shown at the bottom of this notice.

Erase your information if we no longer have a lawful basis for processing it.

Port data to another data controller or to yourself in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.

Your right to object to us using your personal information for profiling and automated decision making

Colewood profiles your personal information to allow for; greater consistency and fairness in our decision making process, to reduce the risk of customers failing to meet payments for products or services, assess risk, to enable us to make decisions quickly and improve efficiency and to enable us to comply with our legal obligations in respect of fraud prevention or money laundering.

Profiling activities allow us to develop and progress our business and to identify improvements in our business operations.

Where profiling results in an automated decision which is not connected to the provision of your contract with us or the steps taken prior to entering a contract you have the right to request that we reconsider any automated decision and to enable you to obtain an explanation about the decision we have made, express your viewpoint, or contest the decision.

Your right to lodge a complaint

If you are concerned about the manner in which we process your personal information you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner?s Office (?the ICO?). The ICO anticipates that you will raise your concern with us in the first instance. For further information please go to www.ico.org.uk.

8. Marketing

When you sign up to receive any of our newsletters or marketing communications, we will use the information you provide us, this enables us to send you our newsletters, promotions and other communications you?ve requested.

If at any stage you wish to unsubscribe from receiving marketing communications, you can use the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any communications received. Alternatively send an email to [email protected].

Should we wish to use your personal information for a purpose not permitted under this Privacy Policy, we will contact you to seek your consent.

9. Cookies

We use ?cookies? to collect information about you and your activity across our site. A cookie is a small piece of data that our website stores on your computer, and accesses each time you visit, so we can understand how you use our site. This helps us serve you content based on preferences you have specified. Please refer to our Cookie Policy for more information.

10. Business transfers

If we or our assets are acquired, or in the unlikely event that we go out of business or enter bankruptcy, we would include data among the assets transferred to any parties who acquire us. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and that any parties who acquire us may continue to use your personal information according to this policy.

11. Limits of our policy

Our website may link to external sites that are not operated by us. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and policies of those sites, and cannot accept responsibility or liability for their respective privacy practices.

12. Changes to this policy

At our discretion, we may change our privacy policy to reflect current acceptable practices. We will take reasonable steps to let users know about changes via our website. Your continued use of this site after any changes to this policy will be regarded as acceptance of our practices around privacy and personal information. If we make a significant change to this privacy policy, for example changing a lawful basis on which we process your personal information, we will ask you to re-consent to the amended privacy policy. This policy is effective as of 9th September 2021.

Data Controller: Colewood Automotive Ltd.

Contact: [email protected].

We use cookies to help improve your experience of https://www.racshop.co.uk. This cookie policy is part of Colewood's privacy policy, and covers the use of cookies between your device and our site. We also provide basic information on third-party services we may use, who may also use cookies as part of their service, though they are not covered by our policy. If you don?t wish to accept cookies from us, you should instruct your browser to refuse cookies from https://www.racshop.co.uk, with the understanding that we may be unable to provide you with some of your desired content and services.

What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small piece of data that a website stores on your device when you visit, typically containing information about the website itself, a unique identifier that allows the site to recognise your web browser when you return, additional data that serves the purpose of the cookie, and the lifespan of the cookie itself. Cookies are used to enable certain features (eg. logging in), to track site usage (eg. analytics), to store your user settings (eg. timezone, notification preferences), and to personalise your content (eg. advertising, language). Cookies set by the website you are visiting are normally referred to as ?first-party cookies?, and typically only track your activity on that particular site. Cookies set by other sites and companies (ie. third parties) are called ?third-party cookies?, and can be used to track you on other websites that use the same third-party service.

Types of cookies and how we use them

Essential cookies

Essential cookies are crucial to your experience of a website, enabling core features like user logins, account management, shopping carts and payment processing. We use essential cookies to enable certain functions on our website.

Performance cookies

Performance cookies are used in the tracking of how you use a website during your visit, without collecting personal information about you. Typically, this information is anonymous and aggregated with information tracked across all site users, to help companies understand visitor usage patterns, identify and diagnose problems or errors their users may encounter, and make better strategic decisions in improving their audience?s overall website experience. These cookies may be set by the website you?re visiting (first-party) or by third-party services. We use performance cookies on our site.

Functionality cookies

Functionality cookies are used in collecting information about your device and any settings you may configure on the website you?re visiting (like language and timezone settings). With this information, websites can provide you with customised, enhanced or optimised content and services. These cookies may be set by the website you?re visiting (first-party) or by third-party service. We use functionality cookies for selected features on our site.

Targeting/advertising cookies

Targeting/advertising cookies are used in determining what promotional content is more relevant and appropriate to you and your interests. Websites may use them to deliver targeted advertising or to limit the number of times you see an advertisement. This helps companies improve the effectiveness of their campaigns and the quality of content presented to you. These cookies may be set by the website you?re visiting (first-party) or by third-party services. Targeting/advertising cookies set by third-parties may be used to track you on other websites that use the same third-party service. We use targeting/advertising cookies on our site.

Third-party cookies on our site

We may employ third-party companies and individuals on our websites?for example, analytics providers and content partners. We grant these third parties access to selected information to perform specific tasks on our behalf. They may also set third-party cookies in order to deliver the services they are providing. Third-party cookies can be used to track you on other websites that use the same third-party service. As we have no control over third-party cookies, they are not covered by Colewood's cookie policy.

Our third-party privacy promise

We review the privacy policies of all our third-party providers before enlisting their services to ensure their practices align with ours. We will never knowingly include third-party services that compromise or violate the privacy of our users.

How you can control or opt out of cookies

Some cookies we use can't be disabled, however you can choose to opt in/out of Performance, Advertising or Functional cookies. Manage Cookie Settings.

If you do not wish to accept cookies from us, you can instruct your browser to refuse cookies from our website. Most browsers are configured to accept cookies by default, but you can update these settings to either refuse cookies altogether, or to notify you when a website is trying to set or update a cookie. If you browse websites from multiple devices, you may need to update your settings on each individual device. Although some cookies can be blocked with little impact on your experience of a website, blocking all cookies may mean you are unable to access certain features and content across the sites you visit.

Payment cards PayPal Credit

† Prices depend on the age, value and model of vehicle.

* It is £4.99 for next day delivery, however orders must be placed before 1pm.

Standard delivery takes 3-5 days and costs £3.49.

All orders over £50 inclusive of VAT qualify for free standard delivery. This offer excludes home delivery batteries and fitted products.

All home delivery batteries have a carriage cost of £7.99. Delivery takes 1-3 working days.

For customised orders, please allow 7-12 days.