Choosing the best dash cam/in car camera

As the demand for high tech devices is growing, so is the demand for dash cams, especially for those who do a lot of driving. The main function of a dash cam or in car camera is to provide you with video, image or audio evidence if an accident occurs to prevent against fraudulent insurance claims. Also, some insurance companies often offer discounts for those who have them installed, meaning you can save tonnes of money after the initial investment.
We have a range of dash cams that all include the most sophisticated features but we understand that it can prove difficult to choose one that is most suitable for your specific requirements, so we have put together a guide to help you out with your decision which will probably depend on how much you drive and what your budget is.
Whether you are looking for a video only model or a camera with advanced features, we guarantee to have one that will be perfect for you.
Obviously, the more driving you do, the more sophisticated camera you will need, especially if you drive at night on motorways, as they contain night vision, lane departure warnings and front collision alerts.
If you only partake in short journeys but you would like some extra coverage in case an incident occurs, a simple model that records in continuous loop will be perfect for you.
The high-end features in dash cams means that they do a lot more than just fulfilling their core function.
Some of dash cams allow footage to be shared straight to the server, meaning that it is easier to be shared with insurance companies or the authorities and you cannot be accused of modifying it in any way. However, the lower range dash cams are only stored on a memory card.
Some have G-sensors which detects and harsh deceleration, then the footage will automatically be saved before and after it occurred which reduces the need for you having to manually save the footage.
Swiftcover are one of the insurance companies that offer around a 10% discount for those who have a dash cam installed, however they need to be “insurance company approved”, meaning that it has GPS and velocity detection features and saves the footage efficiently. Also at the RAC, we offer a £30 discount to those with a RAC model.
If an incident occurs, you could save money on false claims which also could prevent your insurance premium from rising the following year.
A dash cam is the perfect investment to make to cover yourself in the occurrence as an incident. Take a look at our dash cams for further information.